Information for schools & educators

Would your school like to participate?
How it works
- Our team manages all logistics
- Inspiring STEM professionals share their stories
- Fun, hands-on STEM activities
- No cost to school
Bright Future STEM is a primary school program aimed at primary school students in Years 5-6.
With significant growth forecast in the resources and energy industry and a demand in STEM careers for Australia’s future generations, Bright Future STEM aims to pique an interest in students early prior to high school.
We introduce industry role models from the resource and energy industry, predominantly female, employed in STEM careers to share their journey, before engaging students in a range of STEM based activities, ranging from virtual reality, engineering and robotics.
All activities are curriculum aligned and relate to real world opportunities, not to mention fun!
The program aims to break down traditional gender stereotypes of male dominated careers and industries, to encourage more women into the STEM workforce of the future!

The program is a great way to learn more about STEM careers of the future!

Schools we work with
Thank you for hosting the Bright Future STEM program

Meet our inspiring STEM professional role models
Would your school or organisation like to take part in an episode of STEM Kids TV? Get in touch with us at brightfuture@amma.org.au for more information