About us
The Bright Future STEM program is facilitated by the Australian Resources & Energy Employer Association (AREEA).
Designed by AREEA and delivered to Primary schools across Australia, Bright Future STEM responds to the significant growth forecast in the resources and energy sector and the demand for a STEM-skilled workforce over the coming decades. It works to reverse a decline in the study of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths).
AREEA launched the national, school-based Bright Future STEM program in 2019.
The program engages children in Years 5-6 in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) at an early age and raises awareness of the career opportunities in the resources and energy industry from choosing to study STEM subjects.
Through STEM industry role models promoting the diverse and rewarding future STEM employment opportunities in the resources and energy industry, and participating in hands-on, STEM-based activities, students are inspired and encouraged to pursue an interest in STEM careers.
The resources and energy is forecasting significant growth over the next 20 years, creating a multitude of employment opportunities for the next generation.
Since 1918, AREEA has worked to ensure Australia’s resources and energy industry is an attractive place to invest, employ and contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity.
With this deep understanding and industry experience, we know the importance of raising awareness of our sector amongst young Australians to build the future pipeline of home-grown skills.

Since its inception in 2019, the Bright Future STEM program has reached over 21,000 students nationally.

& Guardians

& Educators

& Members

Meet STEM professionals and learn more about their careers in the Resources and Energy Industry