Information for parents

STEM at home
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) are fields which touch – and impact – almost every aspect of our everyday lives now, and into our future

From smartphones and tablets, driverless cars, surgical robots and expeditions going beyond our solar system.

These are all innovations that are driven by people skilled in STEM, changing how we live, work and understand the world, and influencing our everyday lives.

Through hands-on learning which draws meaningful connections to real-world applications, STEM education in schools provides students with a better understanding of these fields. Despite the importance of STEM, the number of students studying these fields is in serious decline.

Many Australian Industries are forecasting significant growth in STEM-related careers over the coming decades. This presents so many exciting opportunities for the next generation so we must showcase opportunities available to them, and pique their interest from an early age.

The Bright Future STEM program has been devised to do just that! Delivered by the Australian Resource and Energy Association (AREEA) in primary schools all across Australia.  We aim to educate children, teachers and parents on the exciting possibilities available through studying STEM-related subjects. 

We introduce children to inspiring STEM professionals, predominantly female, who share their career journeys.  Children engage in hands-on, interactive STEM-based activities, that relate to real-world careers, align with their school studies and are lots of fun!

As a parent or guardian you play an important role in helping your child towards their career choice and nurturing their interests.

Influence at home

Learning at school is of great importance, but research shows us that the biggest influence on a child’s study and career choice comes from home – their parents/guardians.

Parental influence was found to be a vital element in whether a student completes year 12, moves on to higher education, and the job or career pathway they choose to follow.

Your positive influence is irreplaceable and cannot be underestimated.


We have put together some helpful information on why STEM is so important and some tips for encouraging your child in STEM fields. 

 You can download it below.

Here are some online resources from fellow STEM experts:
